How to check my nail sizes?

Watch my video and follow the steps: Link 

How do I put on the press-ons?

 Clipping them on: Link 

How long do the press-ons last?

For a single day-use, just use the jelly glue provided in the nail kits - they come together with all press-on purchases!

 For 1-2 weeks, use nail glue for stronger adhesion. For countries outside of Singapore, please purchase nail glues at your local drug store - I will not be able to ship them to you due to airmail regulations! 

How do I remove the press-ons?

The best thing about press-ons: they're easy to remove! 

 Soak your fingers in warm water with some oil and soap for about 10 minutes and they should pop right off!

Can I reuse the press-ons?

★ Of course! They can be re-worn:-

 Jelly glue users: As many times as it lasts!

Nail glue users: Up to 2-3 times. You'll need to sand off the underside of the press-ons with an electric drill after each use to remove the glue!

What if the nails I ordered don't fit?

Too Big: Just file down the sides of the press-ons to fit your nail width!

Too Small: Your nail might have a different curvature from the press-ons. Prepare a glass of hot water and press the nails against the glass to stretch the press-ons wider! 

How long does it take for the orders to reach me?

For Singapore: 9 -15 days

For International: 14 - 25 days

Note: I do the nails on a first-come-first serve basis. Depending on the intricacy of the design, do allow for an additional week of variance! I appreciate your understanding!